Make Zip Folder Java !!
How to create a zip file in Java - Stack Overflow
Creating a zip file by adding a folder to it / Adding a folder to an existing zip. new ZipFile("").addFolder(new File("/user/myuser/folder_to_add")); Creating a zip file from stream / Adding a stream to an existing zip new ZipFile("").addStream(inputStream, new ZipParameters()); I have a dynamic text file that picks content from a database according to the user's query. I have to write this content into a text file and zip it in a folder in a servlet. How should I do this?This will create a zip in the root of D: named which will contain one single file called mytext.txt. Of course you can add more zip entries and also specify a subdirectory like this:
To write a ZIP file, you use a ZipOutputStream. For each entry that you want to place into the ZIP file, you create a ZipEntry object. You pass the file name to the ZipEntry constructor; it sets the other parameters such as file date and decompression method. You can override these settings if you like. Then, you call the putNextEntry method of the ZipOutputStream to begin writing a new file. Send the file data to the ZIP stream. When you are done, call closeEntry. Repeat for all the files you want to store. Here is a code skeleton:
Here is an example code to compress a Whole Directory(including sub files and sub directories), it's using the walk file tree feature of Java NIO.
Given exportPath and queryResults as String variables, the following block creates a file under exportPath and writes the content of queryResults to a results.txt file inside the zip.
You have mainly to create two functions. First is writeToZipFile() and second is createZipfileForOutPut . and then call the createZipfileForOutPut('file name of .zip')` …
I know this question is answered but if you have a list of strings and you want to create a separate file for each string in the archive, you can use the snippet below.
If you want decompress without software better use this code. Other code with pdf files sends error on manually decompress
Since it took me a while to figure it out, I thought it would be helpful to post my solution using Java 7+ ZipFileSystem
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file - Creating Folders in a Zip Folder in Java - Stack Overflow
String path = getRelativePath(sourceDir, fileSource); if (path.trim().length() > 0) ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(getRelativePath(sourceDir, fileSource)); zout.putNextEntry(ze); zout.closeEntry(); File[] files = fileSource.listFiles(); System.out.println("Adding directory " + fileSource.getName()); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) addDirectory(zout, sourceDir, files[i]); else { System.out.println("Adding file " + files[i].getName()); //create byte My task requires me to save a file directory into a zip folder. My only problem is I need to keep the sub-folders as folders from the main Directory. The file system will look something likeRight now I am able to write just the txt files inside of my zip folder, but in my zip folder I need to keep that folder structure. I know the way my code is right now will tell me the file I'm trying to write is closed(No access). My Functions thus far:
For each file, you need to supply both the path and file name. This will require you to know the part of the path to strip off, this would be everything after the start directory
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how to zip a folder itself using java - Stack Overflow
Project p = new Project(); p.init(); Zip zip = new Zip(); zip.setProject(p); zip.setDestFile(zipFile); // a for the zip you want to create zip.setBasedir(new File("D:\\reports")); zip.setIncludes("january/**"); zip.perform(); Inside january there are suppose two excel files say A.xls and B.xls. There are many places where it has been written about how to zip files using But I want to zip the january folder itself inside reports folder so that both january and will be present inside reports. (That means when I unzip the file I should get the january folder).Can anyone please provide me the code to do this using Please let me know whether this can be more easily done by using other libraries.
Files.walk has been wrapped in try with resources block so that stream can be closed. This resolves blocker issue identified by SonarQube.Thanks @Matt Harrison for pointing this.
I would use Apache Ant, which has an API to call tasks from Java code rather than from an XML build file.
Here I'm telling it to start from the base directory D:\reports and zip up the january folder and everything inside it. The paths in the resulting zip file will be the same as the original paths relative to D:\reports, so they will include the january prefix.
This method zips a folder and adds all of the child files & folders (including empty folders) into the zip file.
I have modified the above solutions and replaced Files.walk with Files.list. This also assumes the directory you are zipping only contains file and not any sub directories.
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How to Zip a Folder in Java - Quick Programming Tips
The following example program in Java shows how you can use classes to create a zip of an entire folder. We use the Files.walkFileTree to recursively navigate through the directory tree and then add each file into the newly created zip file. Please note that this example works only in Java 1.7 and above. Java has a good library of classes for handling zip files. These classes are available in the package. The following example program in Java shows how you can use classes to create a zip of an entire folder. We use the Files.walkFileTree to recursively navigate through the directory tree and then add each file into the newly created zip file. Please note that this example works only in Java 1.7 and above.How to create Zip file in Java -
Zip a folder – File tree and Files.copy to Zip FileSystems. zipj4 library. Java 7 introduced the Zip File System Provider, combines with Files.copy, we can copy the file attributes into the zip file easily (see example 4). 1. Zip a single file – Java 7 introduced the Zip File System Provider, combines with Files.copy, we can copy the file attributes into the zip file easily (see example 4).2.1 This example uses the Java 7 NIO FileSystems.newFileSystem to create a zip file and Files.copy to copy the files into the zip path.
This example uses ByteArrayInputStream to directly create some bytes on demand and save it into the zip file without saving or writing the data into the local file system.
4.2 This Java example uses FileVisitor to walk a file tree and ZipOutputStream to zip everything manually, including sub-files and subdirectories, but ignore symbolic links and file attributes.
The above example creates the zip file at the current working directory, and we didn’t copy the file attributes (review the file created date and time).
5.1 This example uses the same FileVisitor to walk the file tree. Still, this time we use FileSystems URI to create the zip file, and Files.copy to copy the files into the zip path, including the file attributes, but ignore the symbolic link.
The zip4j is a popular zip library in Java; it has many advanced features like a password-protected zip file, split zip file, AES encryption, etc. Please visit the zip4j github for further documentation and usages.
Is there a way to create multiple txt files (without creating the txt files locally) which will be zipped and then send back to the user as a zipped folder? I have created a web service which enables the user to download a zipped folder with specific txt files. But in order to do that, I have to create the txt files locally -> zip them -> delete the txt files from the local storage.
When the service is deployed, I am not allowed to create files on the server. I saw that some people mentioned to create the files in-memory but there are risks. There is a case that I might run out of memory.
The above method is used to create and return a File. I have a List which contains all the txt files. I iterate the list and add the files into ZipOutputStream etc.
I managed to find a solution using the combination of example 3 and my code. The website does not allow me to delete my old comments in order to upload the code.
The code on example 3 did not work for me when I used Postman to send a GET request (selected Send and Download).
“great” example…Sry, but this example creates invalid ZIP files. Within ZIP files you should ALWAYS use forward slashes for paths – this is described within the ZIP standard ( this example creates backward slashes for paths on windows file systems. I wouldn’t blame you, if you were using unix, but obviously you ARE using windows. Please adapt this to avoid others creating invalid ZIPs.
I have a requirement to zip an XML file generated in the same code flow. I am marshalling a java object to outputstream. But I don’t want to write the XML file. Because all I need is the zip file, XML file is not being used later.
I was trying to discover if we can directly zip the outputstream of xml into a zip file without creating the intermediate XML file.
My last option would be, creating the XML file, then creating the ZIP file from it and then deleting the XML file.
Hi did you get the code? if you can you please share the code i am also facing the same problem please hep.
Hi mkyong thank you for this example 5.Zip a folder or directory -FileSystemsIt’s working fine on linux but not on windows.
Hello Mkyong, thanks for the example. Just one improvement: … FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(zipFile); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(bos); … Wrapping the FileOutputStream into a BufferedOutputStream will make zip-file creation MUCH faster.
Hi Kong, I tested this code , In last line “SOURCE_FOLDER.length()+1 ” , +1 is not required. Am I right?
Hi, thank you a lot, But It Has A Problem!!! if we get it an empty folder, it will throw exception, and also, if we have an empty folder in another folder, it doesn’t create that empty folder!
Hello Sir, I have a requirement where client can download all uploaded file from server. I have done downloading for single file. But i am not able to allow user to download all file at a single click Please Help me with this. all files are image file and i am suppose to zip it and allow download to user pc. Thank you Praveen
Hi mkyong thank you for this section it is interesting but the code does not work it gives an empty archive 🙁
If i have a list of files, and i would like to rename it beofre zip it up, how could that be done?Can anyone advise? Many Thanks.
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Hi Yong, it’s necessary to considered that compressing directories which are empty in the example of ‘Advance ZIP example – Recursively’. thank you for sharing,I like the platform.
You can use Java mail to create an e-mail, attach that zip file and send it to that designated address. is providing Java and Spring tutorials and code snippets since 2008. All published articles are simple and easy to understand and well tested in our development environment.

Java Zip File Folder Example - JournalDev
Today we will look into java zip file example. We will also compress a folder and create zip file using java program. Java ZIP. can be used to compress a file into ZIP format. Since a zip file can contain multiple entries, ZipOutputStream uses to represent a zip file entry.Complete Java Code to ZIP a Folder | TutorialsPedia
Complete Java Code to ZIP a Folder. Java Provides package which can be used to zip files into a folder using ZipOutputStream class methods. In this post; I am going to share complete java code to zip files in a folder to create a .zip file.How to zip the content of a directory in Java - Stack Overflow
Try this: The current folder is "testing" and create a sub-folder called "testfolder". The testfolder has multiple files and one of them is "user-guide.pdf". The program should be able to create a ZIP folder with only one entry user-guide.pdf - the output zip file "MyZip" will have just one file user-guide.pdf.Create .zip File in Java using Apache Commons Compress
Create New .zip File from a Directory. In the following example Java program, we use the above class to create a new file file. In the example we have “D:\SimpleSolution\” is the .zip file that is expected to be created. “D:\SimpleSolution\sample\” is the directory that needs to be zip. CreateZipFileFromDirectoryExample.javadirectory - directories in a zip file when using
Just go through the source of It treats a ZipEntry as directory if its name ends with "/" characters. Just suffix the directory name with "/". Check this example for zipping just the empty directories, Good luck. make zip folder javamake zip folder java
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