Make Zip Run Smoothly !!

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material candle steps 1 rub the candle on to the metal part of the fastener if you rub too hard a large amount of wax pieces will come out soplease ru.

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excuse the nails i didn t have wax paper in the house so i tried a crayon and now my zipper is very smooth hope this helped please like subscribe.
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oiling a rough running zipper this video shows how to make a rough running zipper smooth again subscribe to our channel for more outdoor movies http vd c.

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27 03 2020 after rubbing the pencil across the zipper tracks open and close the zipper to see if it has made the zipping action smoother and easier this is also the same process when using candle wax or a bar of soap wipe off the residue once you get the zipper to move as smoothly as you want it to.

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dip a cotton swab in distilled white vinegar allow the vinegar to soak on the teeth of an open zipper for about ten minutes move the zipper up and down after the zipper teeth air dry.

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pencil graphite helps too if it is a metal zipper run a pencil lead over the zipper and that will help it run more smoothly.

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step 1 use the proper technique for pulling up the zipper hold both sides of the fabric together with one hand while pulling the zipper up with the other hand this can solve most problems if it does not proceed to the next step video of the day.

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squirt a small amount of the soap onto a cotton swab then swab the zipper teeth slightly above and below the zipper slide wiggle the slide through the lubricated areas then continue lubricating the zipper teeth an inch or so at a time work the zipper slide over the entire length of the zipper once it has been completely lubricated with soap.
make zip run smoothly

make zip run smoothly

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