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try renaming the zip file and change the extension iso after that you can make a bootable copy using rufus described in the following article https answers microsoft com en us windows wik.
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create usb zip bootable disk select the usb disk you want to make bootable disk click tools and choose convert to usb zip bootable mode the rest operations are the same as creating a usb fdd bootable disk create usb hdd bootable disk the hdd mode is the regular hard drive boot mode.

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after you have installed 7 zip file manager run it as administrator to run a program as administrator just right click on it and select run as administrator in 7 zip file manager navigate to the bootable iso image file and select one with which you want to make bootable usb drive.

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14 01 2019 4 then type clean to wipe all the flash drive data you will make room for your new files 5 on cmd type create partition primary 6 type select partition 1 7 type format fs fat32 quick 8 then exit you can also type exit to properly close the command line 9 prepare your iso file 10 extract your files usually if you have iso files you need to extract it first using a file extractor.

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26 09 2020 step 3 launch imgburn click on create image file from files folders option step 4 in the resulting imgburn dialog click on the small folder icon see picture next to the source box to browse to the folder containing all copied files from the bootable windows usb browse to the folder and then click select folder.
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